2025 SEATJ Teacher of the Year Call for Nominations!
2025 SEATJ Teacher of the Year
The SEATJ Teacher of the Year award is given annually to an outstanding member who demonstrates excellence in teaching and leadership.
Nominations & Materials: Individuals may submit nominations using the online form and submitting the supporting documents to the SEATJ President Fumi Iwashita.
A qualified nomination should include:
A completed online form
Upload the required documents to the online nomination form: 1) a recommendation letter by the individual who is submitting the nomination, 2) candidate’s CV, and 3) candidate’s essay addressing own contributions in terms of teaching and leadership (250-300 words)
In the case of self-nomination, please submit the following:
A completed online form
Upload the required documents to the online nomination form: 1) a self-nomination letter addressing own contributions in terms of teaching and leadership , 2) CV
Ask a colleague to submit a recommendation letter by email to the SEATJ President.
The award committee will be evaluating candidates based on:
Teaching: Strong evidence of candidate’s impact on student learning, dedication to teaching, efforts for professional development, and contributions to the field of Japanese education
Leadership: Strong evidence of candidate’s leadership to promote and advocate for Japanese education
Eligibility: Nominees must be SEATJ members. No current SEATJ board member is eligible to be nominated.
Submission Deadline:January 31, 2025
The award will be given at the 2025 SEATJ conference.
If you have any questions or problems with submissions, please contact: Fumi Iwashita, SEATJ President
Past Awards 2024: Chikako Mori, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2023: Natsuko Suwa, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics 2022: Kyoko Hammond, University of Tennessee at Martin 2021: Dr. Kathy Negrelli, Kennesaw State University 2020: Yoshimi Yamagata Aoyagi, Chapel Hill High School & East Chapel Hill High School, NC (K-12) Yoko Kano, University of North Carolina at Wilmington (Higher Ed) 2019: Dr. Priya Ananth, Middle Tennessee State University